Saturday, September 10, 2011

Stop Sex Trafficking

            What comes to mind when you think of slavery? The Atlantic Slave trade that took place in Europe and the America? The Ancient Greek and Roman societies that had slaves as the majority of their populations? POW’s who often experience torture and are forced to work in labor camps? What I bet you didn’t think of is women being forced into prostitution. Sex slavery today is one of the BIGGEST realms of exploitation in human history. In fact, there are more slaves today then there ever were in any other period of time. The difference? Instead of being forced to do hard labor or work the land modern day slaves are forced into sex.
            The industry itself came about with the rise of prostitution in the modern day era. Since the sex industry is often legitimized, it is easier for thugs to take advantage of the harsh barriers being broken down around this. Women and children in poor countries are often coerced into the business with promises of a better life, a husband and wealth. The amount of people trafficked every year ranges from 700,000 to 4 million (1)  With these promises in mind, they themselves or their families often willingly take their control and give it to the pimps trying to exploit them. Soon after they will usually find themselves forced to work in a brothel for dozens of hours on end, with little to no food, clothing or protection.  They are forced to sell themselves for sex, but they don’t keep any of the money; the pimps do. 
            The pimps are very clever, and find many ways to keep the women in this system. They charge them for their supposed care, as well as for their “program “itself; they then create a “debt” the woman has to work off. She only makes pennies off her work though, and the debt will grow even if they are “working it off”.  It is by these means that the industry survives- women are falsely lead into it through slander and pimps will use these tactics to keep them in.
            Now that we’ve explored how the system itself works, the question is where does this happen? Certainly you don’t hear stories like this on your local news. You may wonder why this is. The fact is that sex itself is still taboo and isn’t talked about much in Western culture. In this country, between 14-17 thousand women are trafficked into our nation every single year. (2) People are often misinformed about prostitution as well, thinking that the women involved in the business are sex-crazed nymphs who will take it wherever they can get it. While there are women prostituting themselves by free will, many out there are forced or coerced into the business because of their poor financial situation, or by pimps with promises of a better life. They are promised jobs, and then forced to work as prostitutes, facing violence or possibly death if they refuse. No nation is unaffected. The countries classified as “very high” in demand for trafficking are Belgium, Greece, Israel, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Thailand, Turkey and the US (3).
            This industry generates around 7 billion dollars annually (4). That is why it thrives; it is low risk, high profit. Most in the sex trafficking industry are either working with a corrupt police force, or if prosecuted do not face heavy sentencing. In fact, the average sentence in the Netherlands for sex traffickers is 14-15 years (1). Also, many times the victims will actually face jail time, and instances of coercion, violence or force must be proven.
So, how can you stop this? One thing you can do is educate, educate, EDUCATE! Talk about these issues openly with your peers and create a platform to discuss the results of trafficking. You could also join the Not for Sale Campaign which seeks to end sex trafficking. They seek to end trafficking through a variety of campaigns, resources, and tools for people to use/facilitate.
And remember, the violence ends with YOU.


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